
We currently only use Facebook engagement post data to determine rankings and train AIMI on the content she creates.
Post text from your AIMI built campaigns will only be used in this section once it has posted to a social network and has generated FB engagement data.
AIMI analyzes all published posts for Sentiment and Tone. Sometimes she can’t determine Tone and Sentiment due to not having enough content or other reasons.
AIMI can only analyze the text she creates, this means if you make any modifications to the content she creates around your answers in the questionnaire she considers the post custom, and at this time AIMI can’t learn from custom posts. Stats are only updated once every 24hrs.

Sentiment & Tone

We compare the Sentiment and Tone from your top performing posts versus those from all users across all categories or per category.

Understanding Sentiment:
AIMI analyzes the sentiment of the post text content toward a feeling of the post as a whole. This information will allow you to understand which work best for your audience.

Below are the type of responses you may see come from AIMI:

– Negative

– Positive

Understanding Tone:
AIMI uses linguistic analysis to detect emotional and language tones in written text to predict whether they are happy, sad, confident, and more. This information will allow you to understand which tones work best for your audience.

Below are the type of responses you may see come from AIMI:

– Joy
– Optimism
– Contentment
– Inspiration
– Happiness
– Analytical
– Tentative
– Fear
– Disgust
– Despair
– Guilt
– Rejection
– Humiliation
– Annoyance
– Hostility
– Aggression
– Hurt
– Frustration
– Rage


The posts AIMI creates are constructed with one or all three of the following text parts a headline, body, and call to action. In this section, AIMI analyzes and deconstructs the posts she has created to show you your top performing text versus those from all users across all categories or per category.

Don’t see data to compare? This could be due to a few reasons: One you never created posts using this category, two your posts are made from scratch, or lastly, you have taken AIMI’s generated posts and added to many modifications making them customized, and AIMI can’t learn from them.